CHEER Indicators
The Takoma Park/Long Branch communities envision well maintained housing that is affordable, safe and energy efficient. Cultural, age and income diversity within neighborhoods is a priority, as well as easy access to work and public transportation. A community that promotes person-to-person interactions is highly desirable.
Goal: Make housing equally available to all income levels.
First Indicator: Number of people in the community earning less than 30%, 50%, and 80% of area median income.
Second Indicator: Percent of households paying more than 30 % of their income for rent or mortgage.
Housing Quality
Goal: Residents live in well kept homes and can maintain the quality of their dwellings.
First Indicator: Percent of properties showing a decline in property condition.
Second Indicator: Number of units in poorly maintained buildings, defined as "buildings with a disproportionately high number of serious code violations per unit."
Housing Opportunity
Goal: Residents are able to live in the community where they want to live.
First Indicator: Median housing and rental prices
Neighborhood Stability
Goal: Housing costs remain stable and involuntary displacement is minimized.
First Indicator: Length of time in home and income of residents by housing type
Second Indicator: Number of home foreclosures
Neighborhood Connections
Goal: Neighbors know each other and are involved in common projects and activities.
No indicator Available
The Takoma Park/Long Branch communities envision a community of strong social networks rich in interactions that empower individuals and families to improve health and fitness, prevent illness, develop a sense of well being, and foster each person’s potential for a long, active, and fulfilling life. The community will:
Offer multiple sources of health information, including community-based health education.
Offer equal access to all necessary health services including appropriate preventive services regardless of financial means and geographic location, so that health outcome disparities among socio-economic groups are reduced.
Offer healthy choices in terms of nutritious, locally grown food, healthy homes, and a clean and healthy environment.
Be designed to accommodate and encourage physical activity.
Access to Information
Goal: Health information is available from a variety of sources within the community and readily accessible to all.
First Indicator: Percent of residents who are satisfied with health information.
Supplementary Information: Inventory of sources of health information within the community.
Access to Services
Goal: All people have equal access to health services and disparities are reduced.
First Indicator: Percent or number of people with health insurance.
Second Indicator: Use of emergency health services for health conditions that could have been treated by primary care physicians and the use of emergency health services for conditions that are preventable.
Supplementary Information: List and count of health clinics (and providers?) in the community and the amount they charge for services.
Diversity of Services
Goal: A diversity of health services are available and patients have influence over how they receive health care.
First Indicator: Availability of a variety of health practitioners and health specialties.
Second Indicator: Percent of Doctors with malpractice judgments or disciplinary actions taken within the last 10 years.
Individual Management
Goal: Individuals take actions to promote their own wellness and manage their health.
First Indicator: The percent of adults who engage regularly, preferably daily, in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day.
Second Indicator: The proportion of people who are using any forms of tobacco products.
Third Indicator: The proportion of children and adolescents who are overweight or obese.
Fourth Indicator: The proportion of adolescents who abstain from sexual intercourse or use condoms if currently sexually active.
Fifth Indicator: Percent of births to women receiving prenatal care in the first trimester.
Goal: Social structures, networks and community institutions support people’s health.
First Indicator: Measure of neighborhood connectedness.
Supplementary Information: List of physical fitness opportunities and facilities available to community members.
Overall Health
Goal: Individuals experience good health.
First Indicator: Prevalence of chronic diseases, especially those that are preventable.
Second Indicator: Number of people whose self-reported health status is Good or Excellent.
Third Indicator: Number of 'healthy' days.
Fourth Indicator: Percent of babies born with low birth weight.
Fifth Indicator: Changes in mortality rates by causes of death in the community.
Local Economy
The Takoma Park/Long Branch communities envision a vibrant and prosperous, connected community where people feel safe and comfortable interacting and trading with each other in commercial and residential spaces in environmentally sensitive ways.
Local business
Goal: Locally owned and independent businesses form the basis of the business sector and maintain reciprocity with community needs.
Information and Training
Goal: Businesses and Entrepreneurs have access to and utilize information on local markets and the training needed to be successful.
Business Support
Goal: Government, nonprofits, and academic community support the business sector and the business sector supports the community.
Goal: Diversity is recognized as a business asset.
Goal: Transitions over time are managed in a way that protects individuals, small businesses, and the community at large.
Goal: Employment opportunities are provided for community residents, and community members have access to training to develop the skills needed to become employable.
Goal: The local economy functions in an environmentally sensitive way.
First Indicator: Number of certified green businesses.
Second Indicator: Percent of residents who do not use a motorized vehicle to commute to work.
Goal: Homes increase energy efficiency.
First Indicator: Number of kilowatts used per housing unit/person.
Second Indicator: Measure of natural gas or heating oil used per housing unit/person (adjusted for the number of heating degree days per year).
Transportation and Jobs/Housing Balance
Goal: Residents live near, or have convenient access to, their work and other needs.
First Indicator: Commuting time and distance by foot, car, public transportation, and bicycle to work.
Second Indicator: Distance from hospitals and schools and commercial zones to residence
Goal: The community provides safe and comfortable space for interaction and commerce.
First Indicator: Percent of commercial areas that have at least one quality public space and the number of quality public spaces per person.
Second Indicator: Number of outdoor events per year by area.
Third Indicator: Number of crimes by type and location.
If you have any other questions about this program, please contact Kent Sovine , CHEER Executive Director, at kent@communitycheer.org.