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CHEER Indicators


The Takoma Park/Long Branch communities envision well maintained housing that is affordable, safe and energy efficient. Cultural, age and income diversity within neighborhoods is a priority, as well as easy access to work and public transportation. A community that promotes person-to-person interactions is highly desirable.



Goal: Make housing equally available to all income levels.

  • First Indicator: Number of people in the community earning less than 30%, 50%, and 80% of area median income.

  • Second Indicator: Percent of households paying more than 30 % of their income for rent or mortgage.


Housing Quality

Goal: Residents live in well kept homes and can maintain the quality of their dwellings.

  • First Indicator: Percent of properties showing a decline in property condition.

  • Second Indicator: Number of units in poorly maintained buildings, defined as "buildings with a disproportionately high number of serious code violations per unit."


Housing Opportunity

Goal: Residents are able to live in the community where they want to live.

  • First Indicator: Median housing and rental prices


Neighborhood Stability

Goal: Housing costs remain stable and involuntary displacement is minimized.

  • First Indicator: Length of time in home and income of residents by housing type

  • Second Indicator: Number of home foreclosures


Neighborhood Connections

Goal: Neighbors know each other and are involved in common projects and activities.

No indicator Available



The Takoma Park/Long Branch communities envision a community of strong social networks rich in interactions that empower individuals and families to improve health and fitness, prevent illness, develop a sense of well being, and foster each person’s potential for a long, active, and fulfilling life. The community will:

  1. Offer multiple sources of health information, including community-based health education.

  2. Offer equal access to all necessary health services including appropriate preventive services regardless of financial means and geographic location, so that health outcome disparities among socio-economic groups are reduced.

  3. Offer healthy choices in terms of nutritious, locally grown food, healthy homes, and a clean and healthy environment.

  4. Be designed to accommodate and encourage physical activity.


Access to Information

Goal: Health information is available from a variety of sources within the community and readily accessible to all.

  • First Indicator: Percent of residents who are satisfied with health information.

  • Supplementary Information: Inventory of sources of health information within the community.


Access to Services

Goal: All people have equal access to health services and disparities are reduced.

  • First Indicator:  Percent or number of people with health insurance.

  • Second Indicator: Use of emergency health services for health conditions that could have been treated by primary care physicians and the use of emergency health services for conditions that are preventable.

  • Supplementary Information: List and count of health clinics (and providers?) in the community and the amount they charge for services.

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Diversity of Services

Goal: A diversity of health services are available and patients have influence over how they receive health care.

  • First Indicator: Availability of a variety of health practitioners and health specialties.

  • Second Indicator: Percent of Doctors with malpractice judgments or disciplinary actions taken within the last 10 years.


Individual Management

Goal: Individuals take actions to promote their own wellness and manage their health.

  • First Indicator: The percent of adults who engage regularly, preferably daily, in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day.

  • Second Indicator: The proportion of people who are using any forms of tobacco products.

  • Third Indicator: The proportion of children and adolescents who are overweight or obese.

  • Fourth Indicator: The proportion of adolescents who abstain from sexual intercourse or use condoms if currently sexually active.

  • Fifth Indicator: Percent of births to women receiving prenatal care in the first trimester.



Goal: Social structures, networks and community institutions support people’s health.

  • First Indicator: Measure of neighborhood connectedness.

  • Supplementary Information: List of physical fitness opportunities and facilities available to community members.


Overall Health

Goal: Individuals experience good health.

  • First Indicator: Prevalence of chronic diseases, especially those that are preventable.

  • Second Indicator: Number of people whose self-reported health status is Good or Excellent.

  • Third Indicator: Number of 'healthy' days.

  • Fourth Indicator: Percent of babies born with low birth weight.

  • Fifth Indicator: Changes in mortality rates by causes of death in the community.


Local Economy

The Takoma Park/Long Branch communities envision a vibrant and prosperous, connected community where people feel safe and comfortable interacting and trading with each other in commercial and residential spaces in environmentally sensitive ways.


  • Local business

  • Goal: Locally owned and independent businesses form the basis of the business sector and maintain reciprocity with community needs.

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  • Information and Training

  • Goal: Businesses and Entrepreneurs have access to and utilize information on local markets and the training needed to be successful.

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  • Business Support

  • Goal: Government, nonprofits, and academic community support the business sector and the business sector supports the community.

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  • Diversity

  • Goal: Diversity is recognized as a business asset.

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  • Transitions

  • Goal: Transitions over time are managed in a way that protects individuals, small businesses, and the community at large.

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  • Employment

  • Goal: Employment opportunities are provided for community residents, and community members have access to training to develop the skills needed to become employable.

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Goal: The local economy functions in an environmentally sensitive way.

  • First Indicator: Number of certified green businesses.

  • Second Indicator: Percent of residents who do not use a motorized vehicle to commute to work.



Goal: Homes increase energy efficiency.

  • First Indicator: Number of kilowatts used per housing unit/person.

  • Second Indicator: Measure of natural gas or heating oil used per housing unit/person (adjusted for the number of heating degree days per year).


Transportation and Jobs/Housing Balance

Goal: Residents live near, or have convenient access to, their work and other needs.

  • First Indicator: Commuting time and distance by foot, car, public transportation, and bicycle to work.

  • Second Indicator: Distance from hospitals and schools and commercial zones to residence




Goal: The community provides safe and comfortable space for interaction and commerce.

  • First Indicator: Percent of commercial areas that have at least one quality public space and the number of quality public spaces per person.

  • Second Indicator: Number of outdoor events per year by area.

  • Third Indicator: Number of crimes by type and location.


Local Economy


If you have any other questions about this program, please contact Kent Sovine , CHEER Executive Director, at

8545 Piney Branch Road, Suite H
Silver Spring, MD 20901

Phone: 301.589.3633

Fax: 240.670.7417

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