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This site offers a wide variety of information about Takoma Park and its residents. Here you can find information from the demographic make-up of Takoma Park to crime statistics to housing information, hospital data and much more. This is a snapshot of general information in Takoma Park as a whole.



The Prevention Institute provides excellent information on how local communities can prevent illness and injury.​.



This site is a directory of all physicians and specialists in Takoma Park and the surrounding areas. It allows you to request an appointment and read background information on all practices.


This website, the Selected Metropolitan/Micropolitan Area Risk Trends, uses the Maryland BRFSS to analyze the data of selected metropolitan areas (in this case, Bethesda-Gaithersburg-Frederick). It identifies emerging health problems in the area, analyzing data from such issues as colorectal cancer screening, chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension, women’s health and much more.

The Maryland Vital Statistics Administration offers a state-level comprehensive look into the births, deaths and all the information in between in the state of Maryland. Click on Reports to get the data.

This profiling system allows you to search for physicians in your area by last name or license number, after which it will give you all of their licensing information, practice location and any disciplinary actions the physician may have incurred.



The SBTDC is a partnership between the U.S. Small Business Administration and the University of Maryland College Park, links private enterprise, government, higher education and local economic development organizations to provide management, training and technical assistance to Maryland’s small businesses.

Maryland’s one-stop economic development shop strives to attract new businesses, stimulate private investment, encourage the expansion and retention of existing companies and provide Maryland business with workforce training and financial assistance. The Department markets local products and services at home and abroad.

Key Programs & Services

• Business information and economic analysis

• Site location services for relocations and expansions

• Incentive tax credits and training grants

• Finance and training programs

• Consulting services

• Foreign direct investment promotion

• Export assistance

• American Recovery and Reinvestment Act assistance


Financial assistance to private employers who retain jobs or stimulate new job creation in Montgomery County.​​​

Information and mentorship for small businesses

NeighborWorks Capital’s loan products provide affordable and flexible capital for pre-development and acquisition of land and buildings for rental, for-sale and commercial projects from concept to construction to rehab during property operations.

8545 Piney Branch Road, Suite H
Silver Spring, MD 20901

Phone: 301.589.3633

Fax: 240.670.7417

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