Health Collaborations
CHEER uses a holistic approach to helping the community to address priority concerns. These concerns are frequently far reaching and complicated. They often cannot be addressed using a single approach by a single actor or player. This is particularly true in trying to improve health. The drivers of good health outcomes can be found in housing conditions, neighborhood quality, economic and educational opportunity. Public health and health care providers must rely on partnerships, alliances and collaborations to make a serious impact in improving health. Consequently CHEER participates in multiple alliances and uses a “collective impact” framework to address complex multi-disciplinary concerns. Here are some of our current connections we use to leverage community improvement.
Healthy Long Branch
Health Long Branch originally started in 2012 as the Long Branch Health Enterprise Zone. This health alliance includes the Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County, health care providers serving Long Branch, and social service organizations serving in the Long Branch and Takoma Park areas. The goal of the alliance is to help all Long Branch Residents experience excellent health by addressing the social conditions that affect health. Healthy Long Branch is a Pathway to Pacesetter alliance within the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s 100 Million Healthier Lives Campaign. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement have joined forces to create 100 million healthier lives by going beyond healthcare settings to address the social conditions that most profoundly affect human health. Their theory of change involves unprecedented collaboration and innovation at the community level.
Eat Well Be Active
The Eat Well Be Active Partnership (EWBA) is a project of Healthy Montgomery, the County’s health improvement process. The mission of EWBA is to promote health equity by increasing opportunities for all Montgomery County residents to lead healthy, active lives. In May, 2014 CHEER Executive Director, Bruce Baker, joined the Eat Well Be Active Partnership as a member of its Coordinating Committee, and Chair of the Communities Work Group. EWBA has promoted a number of initiatives such as establishing school wellness circles, using physical activity as a vital sign, creating health and wellness asset resources and a referral process, helping child care providers comply with State requirements to reduce child screen time and serve healthier beverages, and promoting breastfeeding.