Bruce Baker
Oct 1, 2017
Join CHEER for an Active Health Day!
CHEER Health Day is October 15, 2017 at the Long Branch Community Center (8700 Piney Branch Rd) from 9 am to 1 pm. The event is being...

Bruce Baker
Oct 10, 2016
Response to the Flower Branch Fire
Near midnight on the night of August 10 a terrible gas leak explosion and devastating fire at the Flower Branch Apartments at the corner...
Lucia Zegarra
Aug 6, 2015
Civic Engagement Focus Groups
Results from July 2015 Civic Engagement Focus Groups In July CHEER convened two focus groups to look at the barriers to civic...

Lucia Zegarra
Jul 14, 2015
The Long Branch Partners meeting
The Long Branch Partners is a collaboration of different organizations and agencies that serve the Long Branch community. A Long Branch...
Bruce Baker
Jul 10, 2015
Introducing the CHEER Community Association
The CHEER Community Association (CCA) is a tool designed to help tenants in Long Branch and Takoma Park build and maintain community, and...
Bruce Baker
Jul 2, 2015
CHEER Initiates Primary Care Outreach and Referral Pilot
Back in April CHEER was awarded a $50,000 Healthcare Initiative Foundation grant to conduct a pilot outreach and referral program that...

Bruce Baker
Dec 25, 2014
Snapshots of Community Improvement 2014
On a cold February day in 2012, we heard that a long line of people were waiting for health care at Mobile Med’s medical van at the Long...
Bruce Baker
Nov 17, 2014
CHEER Finds Limited Healthcare Capacity in County Program for Uninsured in Long Branch
Latino Residents in the Long Branch area without health insurance report difficulty getting medical appointments through the Montgomery...
Bruce Baker
Aug 12, 2014
Long Branch Health and Wellness Asset Inventory
In response to needs expressed by community residents and health care providers CHEER has published the Long Branch Health and Wellness...
Bruce Baker
Aug 12, 2014
Long Branch Health and Wellness Asset Inventory
In response to needs expressed by community residents and health care providers CHEER has published the Long Branch Health and Wellness...