2 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Health Outreach and Access

Community Outreach volunteers and Community Outreach Administrative volunteers are requested to apply for health access opportunities beginning August 1, 2016.
Community Outreach volunteers are needed to participate in community events and provide information on wellness resources, primary care, and breast health.
Volunteers should be comfortable speaking to local residents that may include neighbors, friends, local associations/groups. Volunteers must be bilingual in both English and Spanish. Volunteers are needed once per week for a minimum 2 hours; flexible working hours. Hours can be during the day, evenings, or on weekends. Volunteers will receive specialized training and can receive SSL hours if needed. Position begins: August 1, 2016 (rolling start date may be available.) Minimum 3 months commitment desired. To apply, contact Marcela Campoli at marcela@communitycheer.org. Please provide your name, email, phone number. Applications due: July 15, 2016 (with rolling applications welcome.)
Community Outreach Administrative volunteers are needed to assist with the referral process providing access to primary care and mammograms. Volunteers will also follow-up with participants to ensure they have successfully navigated the referral process. Volunteers should be comfortable speaking in-person and by phone to participants, as well as have a basic knowledge of technology. Volunteers must be bilingual in both English and Spanish. Volunteers are needed once per week for a minimum 2 hours, generally on Thursdays but can be flexible. Volunteers will receive specialized training and can receive SSL hours if needed. Position begins: August 1, 2016 (rolling start date may be available.) Minimum 3 months commitment desired. Applications due: July 15, 2016 (with rolling applications welcome.) To apply, contact Marcela Campoli at marcela@communitycheer.org. Please provide your name, email, phone number.